- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group

Report a Location

Location [Legend]CityDesignsImagesUpdated
3693 South 25th East
Ammon4p 07/09/22
Unknown Location
Robert Limbert Visitors Center
1266 Craters Loop Road
Arco, Craters of the Moon National Monument & Preserve4p 1t 06/28/23
Silverwood Theme Park
27843 North Highway 95
Athol16p 09/05/22
Idaho Potato Museum
130 Northwest Main Street
Blackfoot4p 08/28/24
Aquarium of Boise (Was Idaho Aquarium)
64 North Cole Road
Boise4p 05/26/23
8109 West Franklin Road
Discovery Center of Idaho
131 Myrtle Street
Goody's Soda Fountain
1502 N 13th Street
Boise4p 08/17/24
Idaho State Museum
610 Julia Davis Drive
Boise4p 05/26/23
Morrison Knudsen Nature Center
600 South Walnut
Boise3p 05/26/23
Pojo's Family Fun Center
7736 West Fairview Avenue
Boise2p 1t 07/26/22
Zoo Boise
355 Julia Davis Drive
Boise4m 07/07/24
Babby Farms
5900 El Paso Road
Caldwell4p 07/07/24
Coeur d'Alene Carousel
439 West Fort Grounds Drive
Coeur d'Alene4p 1t 07/15/23
Magpie - Downtown Coeur d'Alene Idaho
423 E Sherman Avenue
Coeur d'Alene4p 06/22/24
Museum of North Idaho
115 Northwest Boulevard
Coeur d'Alene1p 06/06/23
The Resort Plaza Shops - Figpickels Toy Emporium
210 East Sherman Avenue suite #103
Coeur d'Alene4p 05/25/24
The Resort Plaza Shops - Memory Lane Gems
210 East Sherman Avenue Suite #121
Coeur d'AleneMoved06/04/22
Gozzer Ranch
5945 Buckrail Rd.
East Idaho Aquarium
570 East Anderson Street
Idaho Falls4p 05/29/23
Idaho Falls Zoo (Was Tautphaus Park Zoo)
2725 Carnival Way
Idaho Falls4p 07/12/21
Infinity Coins
660 Northgate Mile
Idaho Falls1p 02/28/25
Museum of Idaho
200 N Eastern Ave
Idaho Falls 4p 09/09/23
Island Park Builders Supply
4108 S Big Springs Loop
Island Park4p 05/10/22
Lakeside Lodge
3857 Lakeside Dr
Island Park4p 06/11/24
Lardos Grill and Saloon
600 West Lake Street
McCall4p 07/28/23
Butch Cassidy Museum at the Bank of Montpelier
833 Washington Street
Montpelier4p 07/12/22
National Oregon / California Trail Center
320 North 4th Street / P.O. Box 323
Montpelier4p 07/12/22
Lookout Pass Lodge & Route of the Hiawatha
I-90 exit 0 on the ID/MT border/ PO Box 108
Mullan/Wallace4p 05/27/24
The Butterfly Haven
1462 W 200 S
Pingree3p 07/12/21
101 North Cabela Way
Post Falls1p 1t 07/13/22
Yellowstone Bear World
6010 South 4300 West
Rexburg8p 08/02/22
Cedar Street Bridge Public Market
334 No. 1st Avenue Ste. 111
Sandpoint4p 06/11/24
Redfish Lake Lodge
401 Redfish Lodge Road
Stanley4p 06/22/23
Buzz Langdon Visitor Center
858 Blue Lakes Blvd. North
Twin FallsMoved03/16/23
Herrett Center for Arts and Science
315 Falls Avenue
Twin Falls4m 05/27/23
Magic Valley Regional Airport (Twin Falls Airport)
492 Airport Loop
Twin Falls1m 08/08/24
Shoshone Falls Park
4155 Shoshone Falls Grade Road
Twin Falls4p 07/08/22
Johnson's Gems
605 Bank street
Wallace4p 05/27/24
Northern Pacific Railroad Depot Museum
219 Sixth Street