- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group
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Infinity Coins Machine Locations > Idaho

660 Northgate Mile
Idaho Falls, ID , 83401

Phone: 208-201-5007


5/29/23: This location NEVER has had it's own penny machine. Give away coins only.

Infinity Coins is the leading buyer and dealer for coins, currency, jewelry, and bullion in the Idaho Falls and southeast Idaho area.

These coins were designed and rolled by Oded Paz, and they are given FREE to whoever comes to the store (there is a small bowl with them). Update by Oded Paz...

Available for FREE when visiting the store. Design is:
1) INFINITY COINS, 208-201-5007 - Idaho Falls, ID. Picture of their iconic looking A-frame building. Initials: OP (Oded Paz)

Retired 'Infinity Coin: 1) Infinity symbol, old phone number, website and address. Initials: OP (Oded Paz)

February 28, 2025 - New elongated coin was again designed and rolled by Oded Paz. Available for FREE when visiting the store.

Give away coins only.

Retired 1