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Israel’s Settlers Machine Locations > Israel

Gush Katif, Israel

The machine is long gone since the end of 2005.

Gush Katif was a bloc of 17 Israeli settlements in the southern Gaza strip. In August 2005, the Israeli army evicted the 8,600 residents of Gush Katif to Israel, and their homes were demolished as part of Israel's unilateral disengagement plan from the Gaza Strip, which is now a portion of the Palestinian Territories.

1) A winding road with the Hebrew text in it, translated to THE PEOPLE OF ETERNITY ARE NOT AFRAID OF A LONG ROAD, with Stars of David and a Jewish Menorah on the sides.
2) Heart
3) Israel’s map with a heart in the middle. WE LOVE YOU, THE COMPLETE LAND OF ISRAEL

The machine is long gone since the end of 2005.

Machine 1