- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group
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Camelback Mountain Resort Machine Locations > Pennsylvania

243 Resort Dr
Tannersville, PA , 18372

Phone: 570-629-1661


Camelback Mountain Resort is one of the only ski resorts in PA to offer year-round family fun! Our ski resort is a place where kids can be kids... and adults can be too. It offers you a year-round supply of unadulterated fun. It's a place that is both lively and quiet no matter what hour of the day.

Machine 3: (2024)
1) Female on Zip Line,
2) Camel,
3) 'Aquatopia Indoor Waterpark', Logo,
4) 'Camelback Resort'.

Retired Machines

Retired 1: Need scan / photo of designs on a plain white background:
1) I Love You Bushkill Falls, 2) Skier Pocono Mountains, 3) Bear the Poconos, 4) T Rex
Rrtited 2: (2015): 1) 'Pocono Mountains, 2) Snow skier and Snow Boarder, 3) 'Aquatopia", water pouring onto girl, 4) 'Aquatopia', Man at end of water slide.

Machine 1 & 2 have been removed and retired. GSY 2025 update???

Machine 3 (2024) - Various Locations

Retired 2 (2015)

Retired 1