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Mesa Verde National Park Machine Locations > Colorado

Mile .7 Headquarters Loop Road/ P.O. Box 8
Cortez, CO , 81330-0008

Phone: (970) 529-4465


Mesa Verde offers a spectacular look into the lives of the Ancestral Pueblo people who made it their home for over from A.D. 600 to 1300. Today the park protects nearly 5,000 known archaeological sites including 600 cliff dwellings. These sites are some of the most notable and best preserved in the United States.

Far View Visitor Center & Terrace Cafe are open seasonally (April to October). Spruce Tree Terrace and the Visitor and Research Center are open year round. Check the website for actual hours of operation. The Visitor and Research Center is before the park entrance, so there are no entrance fees.

4/18/21: 2021 NP entrance fees for private vehicles.
$20 - January 2 - April 30
$30 - November 1 - December 31 May 1 - October 31.

They do accept the National Park card for free entry.

Plenty of free parking outside and inside the park.
Did not have to pay the fee to enter the visitor center and use machine #3.
All other machines are inside the park and you must pay the entry fee to access them.

Machine 1: Spruce Tree Terrace Gift Shop Designs are:
1) (V) Decorated vase and a handprint with 'Wedding Vase'.
2) (V) Square Tower house and a hand print.
3) (V) Kokopelli dancing facing right, MVNP under with hand under it
4) (H) A mountain lion descending a hill.

Machine 2 is in the visitor center gift shop before the entrance. Designs are:
1) 'Mesa Verde Junior Ranger', Area, iguana and Ranger hat.
2) 'Square Tower House, Mesa Verde', image of house,
3) 'Mesa Verde National Park', Elk,
4) 'Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde NP', area.

Machine 3 is in the Far View Terrace near the cafe once you drive the 20 miles up into the park. Designs are:
1) 'Mesa Verde National Park', entrance sign,
2) 'Mesa Verde Colorado', Bear,
2) 'Mesa Verde Colorado', Puebloan doll,
4) 'Mesa Verde CO', the image of the area.

Retired 4: 1) 'Mesa Verde National Park', Bear, 2) 'Mesa Verde Junior Ranger', 3) 'Colorado State Flower, Rocky Mountain Columbine', 4) 'Mesa Verde NP, Spruce tree House'

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: 37° 15' 24.2208" Longitude: -108° 30' 2.9262"

6/19/17: Art added.GSY

03/20/2025: I contacted the Park Service yesterday to see if the Chapin Mesa Museum has reopened. It has and and it's now called the Mesa Verde Museum.
But the ranger said the penny machine is gone in the museum.
? He did say there was one in the visitor center and one in the Spruce Tree Cafe just down the road from the museum. He didn't mention in the email the machine at the far View Terrace so I don't know it's status.
I will mark machine 4 as gone. JLT

Machine 2 - is in the visitor center gift shop before the entrance

Machine 3 - is in the Far View Terrace near the cafe once you drive the 20 miles up into the park

Machine 1 - Spruce Tree Terrace Gift Shop

Retited 4