1-87 Southbound, Milepost 33 Sloatsburg, NY , 10974 1/11/23 - The machine has been retired and returned to the company.
There are 27 Service Areas (food-and-fuel centers) located at convenient intervals on the Thruway system and are open 24 hours daily. There are 3 Welcome Centers located along the Thruway, along with Parking/Rest Areas and Commuter Park/Ride Lots.
Designs were:
1) 'Wildlife in New York', Baby Deer,
2) 'New York Yankees EST 1903',
3) 'New York, NY', top of Statue of Liberty,
4) 'New York', King Kong on top of building.
Moved 2: designs were:
1) 'U.S.S. Intrepid 1945', Ships bell,
2) 'Honor, Educate, Inspire', US Flag,
3) 'Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum Reguius Rocket Launch USS Growler',
4) 'U.S.S. Intrepid', facing forward right.
Moved 2 was here here from the Intrepid Museum while the museum was the museum was being renovated. That machine has been moved back to the Intrepid Museum. |