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Butterfly Pavilion Machine Locations > Colorado

6252 W 104th Ave
Westminster, CO , 80020

Phone: 303-469-5441


Butterfly Pavilion is the first stand-alone, Association of Zoos and Aquariums-accredited non-profit invertebrate zoo in the world and a leader in invertebrate knowledge, inspiration and connection. Whether it is providing unique, hands-on learning experiences in our exhibits and educational programs, conducting new research that sets the standard for zoos across the country or building innovative solutions for species and habitat conservation in countries around the world, Butterfly Pavilion is leading the way in ensuring invertebrates are protected for the future.

From I-25 take US 36 toward Boulder. Look for exit sign to Butterfly Pavilion. Open year round, open daily.

Machine 5:Located next to the the exit from the "Wings of the Tropics" exhibit. This machine is $1.01 per design.
1) (H) Butterfly Pavilion Logo, "Butterfly Pavilion"
2) (H) Rosie the Tarantula, "Butterfly Pavilion, I Held Rosie"
3) (H) Scorpion, "Butterfly Pavilion, Scorpion"
4) (V) Praying Mantis, "Butterfly Pavilion, Praying Mantis"

Machine 6: located at the crawl-a-see-em, which is straight past the front ticket desk/entrance, and to your left. The designs are one dollar per design (dollar bill, preloaded pennies).
1) (V) Moth,
2) (H) Common Morpho Butterfly,
3) (H) Monarch Butterfly,
4) (V) Atlas Moth.

Retired designs/ machines:

Retired 1: 1) Monarch Butterfly, 2) Butterfly, 3) Pavillion logo.
Retired 2: 1) Praying Mantis, 2) Spider, 3) Scorpion,
Retired 3: 1) (V) Moth, 2) (H) Rosie the Tarantula, 3) (H) Scorpion, 4) (V) Atlas Moth,
Retired 4: 1) (H) Butterfly Pavilion Logo, 2) (H) Common Morpho Butterfly, 3) (H) Monarch Butterfly, 4) (V) Praying Mantis.

9/15/24: Machine 5 still active and rolling pretty well on pennies.
'Machine 6 had a sign on it stating it was out of order.
Updated locations and prices above.

Machine 5

Machine 6

Retired 1

Retired 2

Retired 3

Retired 4