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Texas Best Smokehouse #12 Machine Locations > Texas

2825 Nolan River Rd
Cleburne, TX , 76033

Phone: (817) 774-2945


Each Texas Best Smokehouse is custom built with unique touches honoring the Texas towns that they are located in. From the Chisolm Trail in Cleburne to Lake Texoma in Denison, there is something to discover at every location.

The machine is located by the front entrance right by the front door. Designs are:
1) 'Texas Best Smokehouse, Cleburne, TX', Viking hat logo, star border,
2) 'I (Heart) BBQ, Cleburne, TX', T-Rex head,
3) 'Chisholm Trail Cleburne, TX', Longhorn left of state image,
4) 'Cleburne, TX', image of State with name through it, star border

3/05/25: Jammed Please do not remove wording from these sites, Just add your update to the bottom. Thanks. GSY

Machine 1