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Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Nanxi Store One Machine Locations > Taiwan

No. 12, Nanjing W Rd, Zhongshan District
Taipei City, Taiwan, 10491

2/07/25: All machines retired.

There are occasionally special exhibitions on the 9F of this building.

Need scan/ picture of Machines 1, 2 & 3 designs on a plain white background.

According to other collectors, past exhibits here with penny machines have included:
Retired 1: 2024/1/05 ~2024/2/18 Jingdian Aesthetics Museum (4 styles/50 NTD/piece)
Retired 2: 2023/12/7 ~2024/1/14 Jurassic Park 30th Anniversary Theme Exhibition (4 styles/50 NTD/piece)
Retired 3: 2023/10/25 ~2023/11/26 Moomin Gift Party Pop-up Store (4 styles/50 NTD/piece),
Retired 4: 2024/4/03 ~2024/5/26 Barbie POP-UP Store. All are 'Barbie' designs: 1) 'Gotta Go, Varoooom', Barbie car, 2) Barbie', head with hair in a ponytail, 3) 'Barbie, Global Icon, ...', Barbie head in circle, 4) 'Shine Bright', glasses.

Machine 4

Retired 1 designs

Retired 2 designs

Retired 3 designs