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Niagara Falls State Park Information Center Machine Locations > New York

332 Prospect St
Niagara Falls, NY , 14303

Phone: 7162781794

The machines are in the lower level of the building.
One at the entrance of the gift shop,
Two more when you walk into the gift shop on the right side.

All penny machines have 'Niagara Falls State Park' on them.

Machine 1:: converted to bills and credit card with pre-loaded zincs, use $1 bills for $1 per design or swipe credit card
1) Elevator's Building,
2) NY State Flag,
3) Apple with Statue of Liberty inside,
4) Falls with bridge and tower..

Machine 2: converted to bills and credit card with pre-loaded zincs, use $1 bills for $1 per design or swipe credit card
1) 'Empir4 State', skyline,
2) "Cave of the Winds,
3) 'America's Oldest State Park',
4) Image of Niagara Falls.

Machine 3: converted to bills and credit card with pre-loaded zincs, use $1 bills for $1 per design or swipe credit card
1) Chief Richard,
2) Erie Canal,
3) American Falls,
4) State Flower.

Token Machine 1:
Need a scan/ photo of tokens, front and back, on a plain white background.

1/06/25: Machine 1 was not available, because the diner was closed for the season.
I found a token machine there with 4 designs.

Machine 1

Machine 2

Machine 3

Token Machine 1