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Gettysburg National Military Park - Museum Store Machine Locations > Pennsylvania

1195 Baltimore Pike
Gettysburg, PA , 17325

Phone: 717-334-1124


The Gettysburg National Military Park protects and interprets the landscape of the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War. The park is managed by the National Park Service. The GNMP properties include most of the Gettysburg Battlefield, many of the battle's support areas during the battle (e.g., reserve, supply, & hospital locations), and several other non-battle areas associated with the battle's "aftermath and commemoration," including the Gettysburg National Cemetery. Many of the park's 43,000 American Civil War artifacts are displayed in the Gettysburg Museum and Visitor Center. The Park is undergoing an ongoing restoration to make it look like it was just before the Battle.

Machine 6 (8 penny machine, 2016); located near cash registers in museum store. Pricing is $1.00 per penny or $5.00 for all eight; credit cards accepted. Machine is preloaded with zincs. Designs are:
1) Abraham Lincoln bust,
2) George Gordon Meade bust,
3) Robert E. Lee bust,
4) Soldiers National Monument,
5) Battle of Gettysburg Cyclorama,
6) Civil War Cannon,
7) American & Confederate Flags,
8) 1863, Crossed swords over date

Machine 7 (2016) 4 designs; located at the hallway entrance to the store. This is a hand-crank machine preloaded with zincs; it accepts dollar bills only.
1) Abraham Lincoln, "Gettysburg National Military Park"
2) Gettysburg Napoleon Gun
3) Eagle, "One Country One Destiny -- A. Lincoln"
4) Pennsylvania State Memorial

Token Machine 2 (2016) 4 Tokens. It is located right next to the cash registers in the gift shop. Pricing is $5.00 per token or all four designs for $15.00. Designs are: 10 Civil War cannon,
2) Bust of Abraham Lincoln,
3) Company of men with riding officer marching
4) Soldier memorial.

Machines 1 through 5 and Token Machine 1 are Retired.

Retired 2 designs carried a reverse stamp of: 1809 - 2009 Lincoln Bicentennial: 1) Gettysburg Address, 2) National Eagle Symbol with Abraham Lincoln 16th President, 3) Log Cabin Reverse Design of 2009 US One Cent, 4) Lincoln the Early Years Reverse Design of 2009 US One Cent.
Retired 5 (2016):: 1) Soldier holding rifle overhead, US Flag on left, 2) Abraham Lincoln, 3) Building with statue on top, 4) Cannon with cannonballs in front

Retired Token Machine 1: One Token.

1/25/2025 - Both the pennies machines and the token machine is working. I got all the penny designs and token designs. All the designs were centered except for the one Gettysburg penny with the world Gettysburg on it, it was off centered a bit.

Token Machine 2 - 2016

Machine 6 - 2016

Machine 7 - 2016

Retired 3

Retired 4 - (was Union Station Springfield)

Retired 1

Retired 5 (Date changed now)

Retired 2

Retired Token Machine 1 - 2015