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ZooAmerica Machine Locations > Pennsylvania

201 Park Avenue
Hershey, PA , 17033

Phone: 717-534-3900


Visit ZooAmerica, a year-round, 11-acre, walk-thru zoo adjacent to Hersheypark. Stroll the tree-lined pathways as you learn about more than 200 animals from five regions of North America. Group educational programs and p>tours are also available.

Machine 12 - Located at Bear exhibit, designs are:
1) River Otter,
2) American Alligator,
3) Great Horned Owl,
4) American Black Bear

Machine 13 - Located outside the new gift shop, designs are:
1) Canada Lynx,
2)   Roadrunner,
3)   North American Porcupine,
4)   Gray Wolf

Machine 14 - Located inside the Great Southwest exhibit, designs are:
1)   American Marten
2)   Thick Billed Parrot
3)   Swift Fox
4)   Rattlesnake

Machine 15: (2024) All have 'ZooAmerica Hershey, PA' on them. Designs are:
1) Prairie Dog,
2) Bald Eagle,
3) Otter,
4) Wolf howling at the moon.

Token Machine 2 - (2024) Located in Great Southwest building, designs are:
1) Black Bear,
2) Tortoise,
3) Crocodile,
4) Mountain Lion

Machines 1 through 11 are Retired.

Retired 1: 1) Otter, 2) Elk, 3) bison, 4) Prairie Dog.
Retired 2: 1) Lynx, 2) Golden Eagle, 3) Gila Monster, 4) Roadrunner.
Retired 3: 1) Alligator, 2) Owl, 3) Porcupine, 4) Wolf.
Retired 8: 1) Elk, 2) Prairie Dog, 3) Bison, 4) Mountain lion.
Retired 9: 1) Alligator, 2) Bear, 3) Owl, 4) River Otter,
Retired 10, 1) Thick Billed Parrot, 2) Rattlesnake, 3) Marten, 4) Swift Fox.
Retired 11: 1) Gray Wolf, 2) Porcupine, 3) Lynx, 4) Roadrunner.

Retired Token machine 1: 1) Meercats, 2) Bear, 3) Wolf howling, 4) Bird, Rear- ZooAmerica logo with City State.

8/24: There’s a new Token Machine in the Great Southwest building. (I will install the scan tomorrow. GSY)

Machine 15

Token Machine 2 (2024)

Machine 14 (2015)

Machine 13 (2015)

Machine 12 (2015)

Retired 9

Retired 10

Retired 11

Retired 1 to 5

Retired 8 (2012)

Retired Token Machine 1