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Independence Seaport Museum Machine Locations > Pennsylvania

211 S. Columbus Blvd. & Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA , 19106

Phone: (215) 925-5439


The Independence Seaport Museum (formerly the Philadelphia Maritime Museum) was founded in 1961 and is located in the Penn's Landing complex along the Delaware River in Philadelphia. The collections at the Independence Seaport Museum document maritime history and culture along the Delaware River. At the museum are two National Historic Landmark ships and the J. Welles Henderson Archives and Library.

Admission is still not required to access the machine.

The machine is now located across from the men's room outside the gift shop. Designs are:
1) 'Philadelphia, City of Brotherly Love', Skyline,
2) 'Independence Seaport Museum', Anchor with rope wrapped around.
3) 'Independence Seaport Museum', Sailing ship,
4) 'Independence Seaport Museum', Sailor turning ship's wheel.

1/22/25 Rolling well. The machine is now located across from the men's room outside the gift shop.
I was required to pay admission to access, but this probably depends on who is there.
Most of the museum is designed for a young audience. PCE

Machine 1