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National Constitution Center Machine Locations > Pennsylvania

525 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA , 19106

Phone: (215) 409-6600


The National Constitution Center is an organization that seeks to expand awareness and understanding of the United States Constitution and operates a Museum to advance those purposes.
A groundbreaking ceremony for the Museum was held on September 17, 2000–213 years after the original Constitution was signed. On July 4, 2003, it was opened and the National Constitution Center joined other notable sites and iconic exhibits in what has been called "America's most historical square mile" because of the proximity of historical landmarks such as Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, officiating at the opening ceremonies, said, "It will contribute each and every day to the reinforcement of the basic principles that bind us together as a nation and a people."

It is not necessary to pay the admission price to access both Machines, which are just inside flanking the sides of the Gift Shop.
Machines are preloaded with zinc pennies. Each press costs $1; requires $1 bill.

Machine 1: All have 'National Constitution Center' on them. designs are:
1) 'John Adams', bust of him
2) 'George Washington', Bust of him,
3) 'We The People', 'Philadelphia, PA', writing,
4) 'EST July 4, 2003 Philadelphia, PA', US Flag

Machine 2: All have 'National Constitution Center' on them. designs are:
1) Benjamin Franklin', Bust of him,
2) 'James Madison', bust of him,
3) 'Philadelphia, PA', Writing Quill,
4) 'I Signed the Constitution Philadelphia, PA',, Image of Constitution.

2/16/2025: Both machines still there and running smoothly.

Machine 1 - At the left side of the entrance

Machine 2 - At the right side of the entrance

Retired Token Machine 1

Moved Token 2 - To Independence Visitors Center

2005 Attended Machine - Retired

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