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Baylor Bear Habitat Machine Locations > Texas

Baylor University 501 M P Daniel Esplanade
Waco, TX , 76706

Located at the front of the exhibit. 4 different front designs 1 back design. Looks very new. Works well on copper and zinc.

Machine 1 is 51 cents per press and you use your own penny. Designs are:
1) 'Joy & Lacy Waco, TX', tower top,
2) 'Judge Joy',
3) 'Judge lady',
4) 'BU', university logo.

7/1/2024 Out of order again. There were multiple pennies in the chute (not necessarily what I would call "jammed up") and the handle was missing. BTF
8/13/24: Coin mechanism still dysfunctional.
11/09/24: Coin machine still broken. Missing arm.
2/21/25 coin machine gears are broke

Machine 1