2631 North Johnson Road (I-10 exit 322) Dragoon (between Benson and Wilcox), AZ , 85602-0000 Phone: (520) 586-2581 Website The Thing is an Arizona roadside attraction on Interstate 10 between El Paso, Texas, and Tucson, Arizona. Within a handful of sheds, you'll discover old cash registers, bear traps, and disturbing driftwood sculptures. Also here is something labeled "piece of Mammoth's front leg." Upfront, a Rolls Royce "believed to have been used by Adolph Hitler," though admittedly "it can't be proved." Finally, old hand-carved figures both miniature and life-size, old gold-dust scales and cracked pottery. Encased in cinder blocks and guarded by what can only be described as Emperor Bigfoot Horsehead, lies the end to your anticipation.
This attraction is located 15 miles east of Benson at the Bowlin's/Dairy Queen gas station. You'll see the billboards...lots of billboards.
Hours are 6:30 am to 7:00 pm or dusk whichever comes first. Admission to see the 'Thing' is $1.00. 75 cents for patrons under 19 years of age. You do not have to pay admission to access the penny machine.
Plenty of free parking.
The penny machine is located in the small hallway that connects the gift shop with the Dairy Queen. Designs all have a beaded border (FB initials means Frank Brazzel designed coin):
1. (V) The Lord's Prayer.
2. (H) FB initials and logo of the attraction with 'The Thing? Mystery Of The Desert'.
3. (H) FB initials and Sun rising among saguaro cactus with 'Arizona'.
4. (H) FB initials and rays emanating from the outline of the State of Arizona and 4 stars with 'Texas Canyon'.
G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: N32° 4' 50.3148" Longitude: W110° 3' 2.5122"
The machine does not speed roll!!!!
23Jul2024 - RAH - Successful mail off! Super friendly staff. Got the coins back in 10 calendar days.
Mailing Address:
PO Drawer 1450
Benson, AZ 85602