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Rochester Museum & Science Center Machine Locations > New York

657 East Ave
Rochester, NY , 14607

Phone: (585) 271-1880


Machine 1 was located at the main entrance to the Science Center & you do not need to pay admission to get to the area of the machine. Machine 2 is in the Nature Center.

Machine 1 is in the Science Center, All have 'Rochester Museum & Science Center' on them.
1) T-Rex head
2) Triceratops
3) Elephant

Machine 2 is in the Nature Center Machine has one design,
1) The Gopher

Machine 3 is in The Strasenburgh Planetarium. Design is:
1) 'The Strasenburgh Planetarium', an astronaut.

12/23/19 The Strasenburgh Planetarium has one design of an astronaut with the name of the planetarium on it. Free to get the penny.. right next to the box office. Cost $0.51.

Machine 1 - in Science Center

Machine 2 - in Nature Center

Machine 3 - in The Strasenburgh Planetarium.