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Colorado Candy Company Machine Locations > Colorado

814 S College Ave
Fort Collins, CO , 80524

Phone: 877.229.9211


Colorado Candy Company has random and odd hours. They are more of a seasonal small candy factory. I was told they have more operation hours between Thanksgiving and Christmas. In the Spring, they are open Sundays and Monday, extremely limited hours (around 10am to 2 pm). They make Brittles and Hard Candy. Email them from their website. Friendly response. The hand crank machine is located in the sales lobby. Designs are:

1) 'Fort Collins Colorado, Colorado Candy Company', Logo,
2) 'Fort Collins Colorado', Colorado State Flag,
3) 'Fort Collins Colorado', Big Horned Sheep,
4) 'Horsetooth Rock', image of rock.

7/28/24 - Calling them before makes the most sense. We went on Sunday and it was closed. The machine is visible through the front door. One Google search showed they were closed one Sunday and Monday and open the other days. Another had them open every day. A 2018 Facebook post claimed they change their schedule at will, so calling ahead would seem to work best. - 84

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