809 Harrison Ave Leadville, CO , 80461 Phone: 719 486 3900 Website 8/10/23: This machine was removed on August 5, 2023,
They said the company that owned the machine was going out of business and there would be no one to do repairs.
The machine was NOT relocated.
Outside on the porch, to the right of the door 24/7 365 days a yr.
4 designs:
1) "We (heart) Leadville, Colorado Great living at 10,200 feet",
2) Cross-country skier with "Leadville, Colorado",
3) Fisherman catching a trout with "Leadville, Colorado",
4) Mountain with "14,439' Mt. Elbert Colorado".
8/17: Scan added GSY
9/09/2023: This machine has been repaired and moved to the Leadville, Colorado & Southern Railroad depot.