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Tumbleweed Willie Machine Locations > Arizona

252 North State Route 89A
Sedona, AZ , 86336-4200

Phone: (928) 300-3187


Tumbleweed Willie has the most eclectic items for sale in Sedona.

Hours of operation: Monday through Sunday 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Plenty of paid parking around.

Admission: Free admission.

Machine 2 is near the front door of the store. Cost to press: 51¢ each design. Designs all have a beaded border:
1) (H) A Jeep climbing the rocks with 'Sedona, Arizona'.
2) (H) Rattlesnake with 'Arizona Guard Dog'.
3) (H) A pair of Javelinas (an adult and a juvenile) with 'Sedona, AZ'.
4) (H) Snoopy rock with 'Snoopy Rock Sedona, Arizona'.

Retired 1 design was: 1) (H) Zia sun symbol on the left with Kokopelli on the right with 'Sedona Arizona'.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: 34°52'10.4" N Longitude: 111°45'41.1" W
Google Maps coordinates: V69Q+RM Sedona, Arizona

The workers were not very thrilled to give us change for a dollar, so I recommend bringing your own change.

07/11/21: Machine rolling fine. PAT

29May2024 - RAH - Successful mail off! Super friendly staff and the coins are rolling great! Got the coins back in 10 calendar days.

Machine 2 - In front of store

Retired 1