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Mission San Jose Machine Locations > Texas

701 E Pyron Ave
San Antonio , TX , 78214

Phone: (210) 922-0543


Known as the "Queen of the Missions", this is the largest of the missions and was almost fully restored to its original design in the 1930s by the WPA (Works Progress Administration). Spanish missions were not churches, but communities with the church the focus. Mission San José captures a transitional moment in history, frozen in time.
> Start your visit of Mission San José with the Visitor Center to see the museum, visit the park's gift shop, and to watch the free 20 minute film. This is also where our free guided ranger tours begin. Tours are offered daily at 10am and 11am, afternoon programming varies.

Located in the gift shop inside the mission. Only open till 5pm. Cost $1 each. Designs are:
1) Mission Espada
2) Mission San Jose
3) Mission San Juan Capistrano
4) Mission Concepcion
Rear- 'San Antonio Missions World Heritage, Our Heritage', image of a Mission with saying inside

Token 1: Purchased steel Nickel size token.
1) 'Mission San Jose founded in 1720' image of Mission tower,
2) 'Mission San Juan Founded in 1731', image of mission,
3) 'Missi0n Concepcion, Founded in 1731 image of mission,
4) 'Mission Espada Founded in 1731', image of mission,
Rear- 'San Antonio Missions National Historic Park Established Nov. 10, 1978'.

3-11-25 Gift Shop doors were closed. NPS employee said the gift shop is run by volunteers & not always open. RKY

Machine 1

Token 1