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Frost Bank Center (Was AT&T Center) Machine Locations > Texas

Frost Bank Center Parkway
San Antonio, TX

2/8/25 - spoke with several workers, was here for the rodeo. Found the merch store downstairs and the lady told me that the company came and removed the machine at some point since the last update here.

Frost Bank Center (Not AT&T Center anymore) is a multi-purpose indoor arena on the east side of San Antonio, Texas, United States. It is the home of the San Antonio Spurs of the National Basketball Association.
The arena seats 18,418 for basketball, 16,151 for ice hockey, and 19,000 for concerts or gatherings, and contains 2,018 club seats, 50 luxury suites and 32 bathrooms. It was opened in 2002 as the SBC Center, at a cost of US$175 million, financed by county-issued bonds, which were supported by a hotel-occupancy and car-rental tax increase and an additional contribution of $28.5 million from the Spurs. SBC Communications, Inc., purchased the naming rights to the facility under a 20-year, $41 million naming rights agreement with Bexar County, the San Antonio Spurs, and the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo in July 2000. SBC Communications changed its name to AT&T Inc. in November 2005. The arena officially changed its name to AT&T Center in January 2006.
On July 02, 2021, it was announced that AT&T will not renew its contract for the name at the venue, meaning that a new name could come soon as the deals ends in fall 2022
From Wikipedia

The machine is located inside the Fan Store and is open to the general public during normal business hours. On game days the Fan Store is open only for game ticket holders starting 2 hours before game time or all day when games are held on Sunday.

1) Spurs logo
2) Remember the Alamo
3) San Antonio Rampage mascot 'T Bone'
4) Spurs mascot Coyote

Machine 1