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Buc-ee's Machine Locations > Texas

15901 N Freeway
Fort Worth, TX , 76177

Phone: (979) 238-6390


All Buc-ee's locations are open 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Buc-ee's are known for their huge selection of food and candy, Texas-themed products, souvenirs, cheap gas and clean restrooms. Their most popular product is caramel and butter-glazed corn puffs known as 'Beaver Nuggets.' Another penny machine is located across the street at Texas Motor Speedway and another one is a few miles South on I-35W at Cabela's.

The hand-crank penny machine is located between the toy section and the frozen meat case near an employee door -- not against the wall. All designs have "Fort Worth, TX". Designs are:
1) Texas with Buc-ee Beaver inside "Howd-ee Y'all"
2) SMILE If you love Buc-ee
3) Large Heart with Buc-ee Beaver inside. " My Heart Belongs To Buc-cees"
4) 4-Leaf clover with Buc-ee Beaver inside " Luck-ee Penny".

12/22/24: Machine is working great now.

Machine 1