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Buckhorn Saloon and Museum Machine Locations > Texas

318 East Houston Street
San Antonio, TX , 78205-1816

Phone: (210) 247-4000


The Buckhorn Saloon & Museum is a privately run museum in Downtown San Antonio. Originally privately owned by Albert Friedrich, the Buckhorn became a tourist attraction for its unique collections. Theodore Roosevelt and his Rough Riders were reputed to frequent the establishment. Housed in 1956 in the Lone Star Brewery, the collection passed to Friedrich's heirs who had it moved to its current location.

Hours of operation: Daily Monday through Sunday 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. The closing hours may be later for the bar, but access to all the machines may not be available. Admission to the museums is required to access some of the machines. On-line admission price: Adult (12 and up) $22.99, Child (3 - 11 years old) $16.99. Price includes admission to the Buckhorn Museum and the Texas Ranger Museum. Check for discount coupons when in San Antonio. When you are at the Saloon there will be an attendant walking around there trying to 'sweet talk' you into going to the Museums. If you resist him just slightly, they will discount the ticket price for you. Parking for a fee is in a lot across Houston street.

The location of the penny machines and token machine change periodically. Some machines are free to access and some of the machines require Museum admission. Cost to press: 51¢ for each design. Designs all have a beaded border with Buckhorn Saloon & Museum':

They also have a change machine in their arcade giving out quarters.

Machine 5 located in the Game Room. Design is:
1. (V) Leaping lion.

Machine 6 located in the Game Room. design is:
1. (H) Sam Houston with 'Sam Houston'.

Machine 7 located in the Game Room. designs are:
1) (H) Chair made out of antlers with 'Roosevelt Chair'.
2. (V) Longhorn steer with "Brush Popper'.
3. (H) Teddy Roosevelt with 'Teddy Roosevelt'.

Token Machine 1 4 designs:
1) Buck head,
2) Gorilla,
Rear of 2 above- Saloon logo with City State under,
3) Longhorn Bull,
4) 'Texas Ranger EST 1823', Badge,
Rear of 2 above- 'The Texas Ranger Museum San Antonio TX', words .

Retired Machines

Need scan/ photo of Retired 3 on a plain white background.

Retired 1: 1) (H) Obverse: Buck Head With Horns/ Reverse: 'Buckhorn Hall of Horns San Antonio, Texas'.
Retired 2: 1) (H) Moose.
Retired 3: 1) (V) Standing bear, 2) (V) Elephant, 3) (V) 78 point buck with 'Texas 78 Points Brady Buck'.
Retired 4: 1) (H) Longhorn steer with 'World Famous Since 1881 San Antonio Texas', 2) (V) Gorilla, 3) (H) Longhorn steer horns on the hood of a convertible Cadillac.
Retired 8: 1) (H) Moose.
Retired 9: 1) (H) Marlin with '1056 lbs. World Record.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: N29° 25' 34.881" Longitude: W98° 29' 20.2914"
Google Maps coordinates: CGG6+FC San Antonio, Texas

3-10-25 Penny Machines 5, 6, & 7 are just inside the front entrance. No admission required. All rolling good. RKY



Machine 5

Machine 6

Machine 7

Token Machine 1

Retired 9

Retired 8

Retired 1 & 2

Retired 4