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Aramark at the US Mint Denver Machine Locations > Colorado

320 W. Colfax Ave
Denver, CO , 80204

Phone: (303) 572-9500


The U.S. Mint in Denver is one of four mints in the country producing coins. The other three coin mints are located in Philadelphia, San Francisco and West Point, N.Y. The main U.S. Mint Headquarters in Washington, D.C., is the only facility in the country to print paper currency (aside from the BEP facility in Fort Worth, TX).
The U.S. Mint in Denver began producing pennies, dimes, nickels and quarters in 1906. The Denver Mint also produced foreign coins for countries such as Argentina, Mexico and Israel.

Currently, the gift shop is only open Monday-Thursday 8am-4pm. It is located on the same side as the mint tour entrance (along Cherokee St).
3/23: If you're also here for mint tours during the holidays, expect to get to the mint extra early. There are limited tickets for tours, and you may need to show up very early to ensure a time slot. (I was told most days are sold out of tour tickets by 7:30 AM in the off season, or as early as 5 in the busier summer months.

Don't try speedloading this machine.

Designs are:
1) 'Denver Colorado, the Mile High City', mountains
2) 'I (Heart) Denver, Co', Snow Skiier
3) 'United States Mint, Denver Colorado', Building
4) 'United States Mint, Denver Colorado', Buffalo

9/17/24: Machine still located here inside the gift shop entrance to your right, right next to the cash register. Machine is rolling pretty well on copper. As previous visitor stated, there is a machine which will give you quarters for your $1, $5, $10, or $20 bill.

Machine 1