- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group
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Taipei Zoo Machine Locations > Taiwan

30 Sec.2 Hsin Kuang Road
Taipei, Taiwan

Phone: 886-2-2938-2300


They have a machine located in their gift shop. They also sell very cool boxes to keep them in. It is in an outdoor giftshop by the Koala exhibit. Lots of choices. You do need to pay zoo admission to access the machine.

Each penny is 50NT ($1.66) and each machine has 12 designs. The machine in the main gift shop has the 12 zodiac animals and the other machine (mentioned above) has various other designs.

Need scan/ photo of machines 1 & 6 designs, one scan per machine, on a plain white background.

Machine 1: Main Gift Shop

Machine 2: Main Gift Shop. Has the 12 Zodiac animals

Machine 3: Main Gift Shop

Machine 4: Main Gift Shop

Machine 5: Main Gift Shop

Machine 6: Main Gift Shop

Machine 7: Main Gift Shop

Machine 8: Penguin Gift Shop

Machine 9: Penguin Gift Shop

12/11/19: Scans 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 added. GSY

10/29/23: All 50 NTD each.
Main Gift Shop only has Machine 3 (3 designs)
Another machine (4 designs) left.
Giant Panda House has two machines (3 designs each) on the 1st and 2nd Floors of the building (photos unavailable).
Penguin House only has Machine 8 (3 designs, not 5) near the gift shop.

3/02/25: How many machines are here and are they working??? How do the designs look, long, short, off-center, full rolls,???

Machine 1 - Main Gift Shop

Machine 2 - Main Gift Shop. Has the 12 Zodiac animals

Machine 3 - Main Gift Shop

Machine 4 - Main Gift Shop

Machine 5 - Main Gift Shop

Machine 6- Main Gift Shop

Machine 7 - Main Gift Shop

Machine 8 - Penguin Gift Shop