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Clear River's Ice Cream Parlor (Clear River Pecan Co) Machine Locations > Texas

138 E. Main St
Fredericksburg, TX , 78624

Phone: 830-997-8490


Located next to Fredericksburg Jewelers. Building not marked well. Machine nestled between other coin machines.

Machine 4: 3 design Quarter machine. Takes 4 quarters. Located on the left of the store with the other coin machines.
1) LBJ design
2) Oktoberfest with dancing couple
3) Enchanted Rock (E-Rock)

Machine 5: Penny designs are:
1) LBJ and Ladybird Walking Through a Field of Wildflowers
2) Sauer Beckman Living History Farm
3) Texas State Flower Bluebonnet

Retired designs/ machines:

Retired 1) 1) 'Clear River's Ice Cream Fredericksburg, TX', Cartoon cow holding an Ice Cream cone,
Retired 2) 1) Route 66 sign with "Get" above sign and "Your Kicks" below the sign.
Retired 3) 1) "Clear River's Ice Cream Make's You Pretty Fredericksburg, TX", Cartoon cow holding ice cream cone, 2) Enchanted Rock 3) Enchanted Rock 4) Enchanted Rock

Needs scan/ photo of Retired 3 designs on a plain white background.

12/27/24 the $1 coin machine at the front is out of order. The 50 cent machine in the back is working just fine.

Machine 4

Machine 5

Retired 2

Retired 1

Retiied 3