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USS Lexington Museum Machine Locations > Texas

2914 North Shoreline Blvd.
Corpus Christi, TX , 78402

Phone: (361) 888-4873


USS Lexington, nicknamed "The Blue Ghost", is an Essex-class aircraft carrier built during World War II for the United States Navy. Originally intended to be named Cabot, word arrived during construction that the USS Lexington had been lost in the Battle of the Coral Sea. She was renamed while under construction to commemorate the earlier ship. This ship was the fifth US Navy ship to bear the name in honor of the Revolutionary War Battle of Lexington.

All machines are lined up right in front of the gift shop. Change is available inside. Free access.
There are 5 penny machines (2 single design, 2 three penny machines, 1 four penny machine). Could not locate any token machines.

Need scans of designs in Machines 16, 17 & 18 one scan per machine, on a plain white background.

Retired 16: (2025) Located outside gift shop

Retired 17: (2025) Located outside gift shop

Retired 18: (2025) Located outside gift shop

Retired designs:

Retired 1: 1) 'The Yellow Pearl, USS Lexington Corpus Christi',
Retired 2: 1) 'F-14 Tomcat, USS Lexington Corpus Christi',
Retired 3: 1) TBF/ Avenger, USS Lexington Corpus Christi',
Retired 5: 1) 'Blue Angel, USS Lexington',
Retired 6: 1) 'USS Lexington The Blue Ghost',
Retired 7: 1) 'We Can Do It', Rosie the Riveter.
Retired 8: 1) 'USS Lexington', side of ship.
Retired 10: 1) F-14, 2) Turret gun, 3) Anchor, 4) Ships bell.
Retired 11: 1) (V) USS Lexington with ship in center, 2) (V) shield with Blue Angels below, 3) (H) Douglas SBD-5 Dauntless, 4) (H) Blue Ghost above flag and outline of ship and USS Lexington below
Retired 12: 1) 'National Treasure USS Lexington 'Blue Ghost',
Retired 13: 1) Douglas SBD-5
Retired 14: 1) USS Lexington Awarded 11 Battle Stars 2) USS Lexington We Can Do It, 3) USS Lexington Blue Angels.
Retired 15:P 1) Blue Ghost Logo, 2) USS Lexington Museum on the Bay, 3) National Treasure USS Lexington
Other retired: 1) 'USS Lexington, Blue Ghost', Ship name under Blue Ghost, name tags hanging under names.

3-5-25 3 New Penny machine outside gift shop machine 6, 10,. 13, 14, 15 retired

Machine 16

Machine 17

Machine 18

Retired 14

Retired 15

Retired 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, & Unk number

Other retired

Retired 6

Retired 10

Retired 13