- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group
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Che'lu ... It's about friendship Machine Locations > Guam

Building 163 and 164 Chamorrow Village
Agana, Mariana Islands, Guam, 96921

Phone: (671)472-4358

9/20/22:This machine is down for the remaining of the year maybe indefinitely unless they can find a person to repair it. The one person on the island that knew how to repair the machines is no longer on the island. TA

To find the store you most go to the backside of Chamorro Village (if you can see the baseball stadium then your in the back enough; With Chamorrow Village to our back and looking at the baseball stadium go as far to the right as possible and you'll find the store).

The machine is located on the right side immediately after entering the store. You must enter the store to see the machine and Clerk was willing to make change.This machine is automatic, so if there is no electrical power then you can't press the penny.

7/3/19 - Website is not operational and removed. No Facebook entry. Status uncertain.

Machine 1