7701 Interstate (I-40 East bound Exit 75) Amarillo, TX , 79118-6915 Phone: (806) 372-6000 Website The Big Texan Steak Ranch is a steakhouse restaurant opened on the previous U.S. Route 66 in the 4500 block of East Amarillo Boulevard in 1960. It relocated to its present location on Interstate 40 in 1970. Fire gutted the west wing of the restaurant in 1976 and the restaurant reopened as a larger facility in 1977. The building is painted a bright yellow, with blue trim. A large bull statue advertises their "free" 72 oz. steak. In reality, the 72 oz. steak challenge is only free if you manage to eat the steak (among other side dishes) within 1 hour; it costs $72 otherwise.
All machines are located up front.
Machine 2: All designs have 'Home of the Free 72oz Steak', 800 657 7177 www.bigtexan.com' on them, Costs $.51 (2017), Designs are:
1) Standing Cowboy two stars,
2) Man's head in cowboy hat three stars,
3) 3) 'The Big Texan www.bigtexan.com', logo
4) Big Texan', Cowboy Boot.
Machine 3 (AKA Pappy): Costs $1.00 (bills). Designs are:
1) 'Big Texan Steak Ranch Amarillo, Texas www.bigtexan.com', Cowboy,
2) 'Big Texan Amarillo, Texas Big Texan', Cowboy Boot,
3) 'Big Texan A Legend www.bigtexan.com, Texas Route 66', Route 66 sign,
4) 'Big Texan Brewery, Han Crafted on Sight, www.bigtexan.com', Waitress with two beers in each hand.
Tokens are being handed out in the Gift Shop. (No machine)
Retired Penny and Token machines.
Retired 1: 1) 'Texas Two Step', boot, 2) Texas Travelin', old car and state image, 3) 'Texas State Bird, Mocking Bird', 4) 'Lone Star State', Longhorn
Retired Token Machine 1: 1) 'Home of the Free 72oz Steak Amarillo, Texas www.bigtexan.com', / Rear- 'The Big Texan Free 72oz Steak', 2) 'Home of the Free 72oz Steak Amarillo, Texas www.bigtexan.com', / Rear- 'The Big Texan Free 72oz Steak', 3) 'Home of the Free 72oz Steak Amarillo, Texas', / Rear- 'The Big Texan Free 72oz Steak'.
Retired Token Machine 2: 1) 'Big Texan Steak Ranch, Home of the Free 72oz Steak', Amarillo, Texas 50th Anniversary', Logo sign cars, Building. 2) 'Big Texan Steak Ranch, A Route 66 Legend, Amarillo www.bigtexan.com', Image of State, Logo sign and Route 66 sign, Brass color, 3) 'Big Texan Steak Ranch, A Route 66 Legend, Amarillo www.bigtexan.com', Image of State, Logo sign and Route 66 sign, Brown color.
4/17: Machine 3 installed here.
9/24/24: Machine 2 is Out of Order.
1/4/2025: Machine 2 still has an out-of-order sign,
Machine 3 is functional. |