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Ohiopyle Old Mill General Store Machine Locations > Pennsylvania

4 Sherman Street
Ohiopyle, PA , 15470

Phone: 800-4raftin


Since opening in 1962, Laurel Highlands has accumulated the knowled door, beyond the ice cream counter.

Parking at this location is limited.

Can park across the street in the state park parking lot. In the machine, I tried lining up the dots, and I tried following their instructions with the handle facing perfectly down: Following their instructions gave me a perfectly lined-up penny, probably the most centered I've ever had. (Lining up the dots without following their handwritten instructions gave me pennies that were aligned further to the left, with longer blank spaces on the right side.)

Designs cost three quarters plus the penny. Designs are:
1) 'Ohiopyle Falls Ohiopyle, PA', image of falls,
2) 'Laurel Highlands River Tours 188-4-tours',
3) 'I Met the Challenge', River area.

10/6/23 Machine still working as stated above but once dots are lined up leave handle as is, does not have to be down. TLR

Machine 1