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Elitch Gardens Machine Locations > Colorado

2000 Elitch Circle
Denver, CO , 80204

Phone: (303) 595-4386


Elitch Gardens is America’s only downtown theme and water park. It is open April 28th through October 28th with 53 rides and attractions, including 14 pint-sized adventures, thrilling roller coasters, cool water slides, Dive-In Movies, free concerts, stunning fireworks extravaganzas, plus Fright Fest in October!

Access to the machines is expensive. There is a $20.00 charge for parking, but you can access via public transportation or find limited amounts of metered parking in the vicinity. Cost to enter the park is $42.99 for adults.

All machines that had Looney Tunes characters have been removed.

Machine 9 is across the hall outside of the gift shop.
Machine 10 is right in the main entrance before entering into the park,

Machine 9 designs are:
1) 'Colorado', Buffalo
2) 'Colorado Rockies' (Baseball team Logo)
3) 'Colorado State Bird'
4) 'Colorado Trout', Jump[ing

Machine 10 designs are:
1) 'Denver, Home of the First Hamburger'
2) 'Highest Suspension Bridge in the World'
3) 'World's Largest Flat-Top Mountain'
4) 'World's Largest Rodeo'

Token Machine 1:

Retired/ Moved machines

Retired 1: 1) Roadrunner, 2) Wiley Coyote, 3) Yosemite Sam, 4) Tasmanian Devil,
Retired 2: 1) Bird, 2) Pepé Le Pew, 3) Speedy Gonzales, 4) Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck,
Retired 3: 1) Taz, 2) Porky Pig, 3) Pepé Le Pew, 4) Big Rooster,
Retired 4: 1) Pepe La Pew, 2) Bugs Bunny, 3) Daffy Duck, 4) Tweedy Bird,
Retired 5: 1) Sylvester, 2) Taz, 3) Tweedy, 4) Speedy,
Retired 6: 1) Porky Pig, 2) 6 Flags flag logo, 3) Marvin the Martian & his dog, 4) Monkey,
Retired 7: 1) Bugs, 2) Martian, 3) Tasmanian Devil, 4) Logo (?),
Retired 8 (Quarters): 1) Daffy, 2) Martian, 3) Bugs, 4) Tweedy,
Other Retired: 1) Elitch Gardens, Wavy line logo, 2) Elitch Gardens Great Escape, logp.

Moved 11: 1) I Ski Colorado, 2) Home of then Air Force Academy, 3) Colorado, 38th State, 4) Big horn Sheep.

Machines 1 to 8 are Retired. Machine 11 has been moved to the Denver Intl Airport.

12/6/2024: Machine 9 has been repaired and is working well. It is located outside of Miss Mary's Sweet Shoppe.

Machine 9

Machine 10

Token machine 1

Moved 11 - Moved to Denver Airport & Retired

Retired 4, 5, 6, 7

Retired 1, 2, 3

Retired - Older designs

Retired 8 - Quarter Machine