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Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center Machine Locations > Colorado

1805 North 30th Street (at Gateway Road)
Colorado Springs, CO , 80904-1247

Phone: (719) 634-6666


As the official Visitor Center to Garden of the Gods Park and before entering this geological wonder, enhance your experience by viewing the 14-minute HD movie “How Did Those Red Rocks Get There?” ($5/adults, $3/children). The Center offers free maps, park information, guided nature walks at 10 A.M. & 2 P.M. and free interpretive presentations daily

The Visitor and Nature Center is located on the northeast side of Garden of the Gods, which is on the west side of Colorado Springs. Follow these directions or enter 1805 North 30th Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 into your GPS or Phone.
Off Highway 24: Exit Manitou Springs off Highway 24. Head East at the light onto Manitou Avenue, Take a Left (North) on 30th Street, The Garden of the Gods Visitor and Nature Center will be on the right.

Machine 6 8 penny electric machine, located in the upper level gift shop, on the right a few shelves in. The cost to press is $1.00 for one penny or $5.00 for all 8. It only takes dollar bills or credit/debit cards, and supplies the penny. Designs are:
1. (V) A big horn sheep with 'Big Horn Sheep'.
2. (V) The Rock Ledge ranch with 'Rock Ledge Ranch'.
3. (H) The balanced rock with 'Balanced Rock Garden Of The Gods'.
4. (H) Pikes Peak with 'Pikes Peak'.
5. (H) An elk in front of a mountain with 'Garden Of The Gods'.
6. (H) A dinosaur with 'Theiophytalia Kerri'.
7. (H) A bison.
8. (H) The kissing camels rock formation with 'Kissing Camels'.

Machine 7 4 penny manual crank machine, located near the guest services desk as you walk in the lower level. The cost to press is $1 each and the machine supplies the penny. The penny machine will take dollar bills only. Designs are:
1. (H) Gateway rock formation with 'Garden Of The Gods National Natural Landmark'.
2. (V) Man in shorts riding a Segway with 'Garden Of The Gods National Natural Landmark'.
3. (V) Man in shorts rock climbing with ''I Hung Out at the Garden of the Gods'.
4. (H) Two bicycle riders.

Token machine 1: designs:
1) A dinosaur with 'Theiophtalia Kerri Cretaceous Period'.
2) A big horn sheep in front of the kissing camels rock formation with 'Kissing Camels'.
3) Pikes Peak with 'Pikes Peak Colorado Springs, CO'.
4) Gateway rock formation with 'Garden Of The Gods National Natural Landmark'.
Rear- Mountains with 'Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center Colorado Springs, CO'.

Penny Passport collector books are for sale in the gift shop for $5.95 plus tax.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: N38° 52' 42.513" Longitude: W104° 52' 11.4708"

Retired machines 1 through 5:
Retired 1: 1) "Garden of the Gods Gateway" w/Pikes Peak mountain and rock formations, 2) photo "Kissing Camels" rock formations, 3) "Garden of the Gods" rock formations
Retired 2: 1) photo of "Balanced Rock", 2) photo of "Black-Billed Magpie" 3) "Kissing Camels" (duplicate)
Retired 3: 1) "Balanced Rock", 2) Mountain with spires, 3) Indian Eagle dancer with spread arms/ wings, 4) I Love You! Colorado
Retired 4: 1) Rock Formation, 2) Buffalo, 3) Image of hills, 4) Rattle Snake coiled
Retired 5: 1) Bicycle rider with rock formations behind, 2) Man on Horseback, Eagle behind, 3) Big Horn Sheep, 4) 'I Hung Out at Garden of the Gods', Man climbing rock

7/16: Machine 6 (8 penny machine) added here. GSY
9/16: Machine 7 (4 penny machine) added here. GSY

1/02/2025 Machine rolled full complete designs on the preloaded zincs supplied by the machine. BTF

Machine 6 (1/24) In the upper level gift shop.

Machine 7 (1/24) In the lower level of visitor center

Token Machine 1

Retired 4 - 2011

Retired 5

Retired 1, 2 (Retired 3 not shown)

Penny Passport book $5.95 (plus tax)