- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group

The online Trading Tool is a convenient method for serious collectors to obtain coins from anywhere in the world. Although we all know that the hunt for the machine and the travel to the location is part of the fun of collecting, there are times when we just cannot smash in person. Or what about the time you travelled to a distant location only to find the machine Out of Order!

Subscribe to the Online Trading Tool for $3/month or $30/year and connect with others around the globe who can get what you want, and who want what you have. Not sure you want to commit yet? Try the Trading Tool for FREE for the first month. Here's how it works:

What's the Big Idea?

As a subscriber to the Trading Tool, you would login to the website, go to the Location Lists and check off those locations you Have coins from. In addition, you would check off those locations you Want coins from as well as those locations you have coins to Trade from (or that you can easily get more coins from).

The Location Lists will continue to be available to all collectors as it is now, but for those who subscribe to the Trading Tool, the lists will look like this.

The Tool will automatically save your lists and cross-reference them with everyone else's list. If you want coins another collector has to trade, the Tool will match you up and you can then arrange the trade.

The Tool does not deal with individual coins since they change so frequently. Instead, only locations are tracked. is not involved in the actual trade. We only help facilitate the trade by matching up potential traders. No fee is charged per trade.

Sample Trading Process

Let's say that you Want the coins from the Silverwood Theme Park in Athol, Idaho.

First, you would go to the Location List for Idaho and check the box in the "Want" column to indicate to other collectors that you want these coins.

This would automatically put you into a listing of other collectors that also want these coins. Clicking on the Want column header link opens your Master Want List, that others can also view. Your name links to your email address so another collector that has these coins can contact you.


If you want to be more pro-active, click on the small paper icon in the Trade column to be taken to a listing of collectors that indicated they have or can esily obtain coins from this location. You may then contact them directly.

To make it even easier, if you see a next to a collector's name, that means you each have something the other wants.

Register Now!

Fill out the form below to Register for the Trading Tool. Once you click the 'Register' button, you will be taken to a payment page giving you the option of subscribing month-to-month for $3/month, or yearly for $30. If you choose to take advantage of our FREE one-month trial, your subscription will convert to a month-to-month membership automatically after the trial period ends. We use the secure PayPal recurring payment system for our subscriptions.

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