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Racine Zoo Machine Locations > Wisconsin

2131 North Main Street
Racine, WI , 53402

Phone: (262)636-9189


The Racine Zoo is a zoo situated on 32 acres on the shore of Lake Michigan in Racine. With more than 100 species of animals, the zoo's collection focuses on species native to Wisconsin, including a room dedicated to reptiles and amphibians indigenous to the state.

Parking for the Zoo is across the street and was not well marked. Turn on Walton ave from Main street.

Machine 4 is in the Primate House. Designs are:
1) Frog on a Lilly pad
2) Fish
3) Snake

Machine 5 is in the Gift Shop. Designs are:
1) Monkey
2) Tiger
3) Zebra

Machine 6 in the Gift Shop. Designs are:
1) Giraffe
2) Heron
3) Rhino

Retired machines/ designs:

Retired 1: 1) Rhino, 2) Cheetah, 3) Giraffe.
Retired 2: 1) Meerkat, 2) Bear.
Retired 3: 1) a Meerkat, 2) a Bear, 3) a Penguin.

I visited on 05/23/2022.
Machine #4 is now in the primate house.
Machines #5 & #6 are in the gift shop, one at each door.
All were working fine…

Machine 6

Machine 4

Machine 5

Retired 3

Retired 1 & 2