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Titanic Museum Machine Locations > Missouri

3235 W Hwy 76
Branson, MO , 65615

Phone: 866-488-2045


The museum is a scale model of the front of the ship. It features many original artifacts from the ship, a $1 million grand staircase (an exact replica), and recreates the stories and setting of the famous voyage! They have at different angles to simulate the deck while it is sinking. The Museum admission is $34.00.

Machine 2 is located outside of the gift shop. No admission is required. Design is:
1) 'Titanic Branson 1912', Propeller,
2) 'Captain of the Ship', Captain's hat,
3) Front of ship,
4) Ship's steering wheel,
5) Grand staircase inside ship.
Rear- 'Titanic Branson, Missouri

Retired 1: all have 'World's largest Titanic Museum Attraction Branson, MO' on the,
1) Ship,
2) Word logo,
3) Ships wheel,
4) 'Captain Smith', Bust of Captain John Smith.

9-3-2024 the machine is in the same place and pressing great on copper. (Bob TEC #4915)

Machine 2

Retired 1