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Chinatown - Only In Chinatown, Inc. Gifts & Souvenir Machine Locations > California

864 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA

This machine is on the side of the store by the entrance just off Grant street.
The store opens at about 10AM

Machine 2, manual, four-design machine, (Was at New Shanghai Enterprises 857 Grant Street), Designs are:
1) Golden Gate Bridge
2) City Skyline
3) 'I Love You San Francisco"
4) Panda Bear

Machine 4: (From Asian trends). Designs are:
1) 'Alcatraz Cell Mate', Skull and crossed bones (H)
2) 'Enjoy California, Its the The Real Thing, San Francisco' Word design (H)
3) 'I Heart (Left My Heart In) SF', (V)
4) I Left My (Heart) in San Francisco', 'O' in Francisco is Peace Symbol (H) <

Retired Designs

Retired 1 is retired. Design was (H), image of Chinatown, "Dragon Head" and "Lantern", San Francisco.
Retired 3 Design was Long thin Dragon.

12/30/24: I got two prints of the panda from Machine 2 on copper. Designs were fine, but the pressing left the pennies slightly curved. The shop was happy to exchange a dollar bill for quarters.

Machine 2 - From new Shanghi ent.

Machine 4

Retired 1 - Yee Shew Yan Association

Retired 3 - From Chinatown - KHC Plaza