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Louisiana State Capitol Machine Locations > Louisiana

900 North 3rd Street 24th Floor
Baton Rouge, LA , 70821


The Louisiana State Capitol was completed in March, 1932, in a mere 14 months and stands on a 27-acre tract.
As the tallest state capitol in the United States, the building is 450 feet high with 34 floors. 2500 railroad cars were needed to bring in the limestone used on the exterior and the interior marble which came from distant places, including Vermont and Italy. The cost to complete it was a modest $5 million.

Machine 1 is on 24th floor right outside elevator. Designs are;
1) Old Governor's Mansion
2) Louisiana, The Bayou State
3) Louisiana's Old State Capitol Building
4) Louisiana State Capitol.

This machine was in the Louisiana State Museum before moving here.

18Mar2024 - RAH - Successful mail off! Super friendly staff. Got the coins back in 20 calendar days. I even got a brochure on the state capital from the Office of Tourism.

1/17/23: now on 24th floor right outside elevator. Pennies are no longer mismatched and rolling well. BMA

Machine 1