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Schnitzelbank Restaurant Machine Locations > Indiana

393 3rd Avenue
Jasper, IN , 47546

Phone: 812-482-2640


The Schnitzelbank restaurant is a bit of Old World Germany in Southern Indiana! The Schnitzelbank celebrates Jasper’s rich German heritage and welcomes you with a warm, family-friendly atmosphere. Enjoy our authentic German cuisine as well as traditional American favorites. Browse our website and see why the Association of Cities and Towns has ranked the Schnitzelbank in the Top 10 of Independent Restaurants in Indiana!

The machine is in the Gift Shop of the restaurant. As you enter the gift shop the penny machine is in the left hand corner by the front window. The gift shop is located on the first level of the restaurant and one must pass through the gift shop to get to the restaurant.

The machine is across from the restrooms before the gift shop. Designs all have 'Jasper, IN' on them. They are:
1) 'St Joseph Church',
2) 'Jasper City Mill',
3) 'Spirit of Jasper Train', depot
4) 'Schnitzelbank Restaurant'.

5/4/24: Machine broken. Would not take coins. JW

Machine 1