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South Station Subway Station Machine Locations > Massachusetts

Atlantic Ave and Summer St in Dewey Square
Boston, MA , 02110

South Station, New England's second-largest transportation center (after Logan International Airport), is located at the intersection of Atlantic Avenue and Summer Street in Dewey Square, Boston, Massachusetts. It is the largest train station and intercity bus terminal in Greater Boston, a prominent train station in the northeastern United States and serves as a major intermodal domestic transportation hub, with service to the Greater Boston region and the Midwestern and Northeastern United States.

Machine is inside South Station in front of McDonald's, Designs are:
1) 'John Adams' Bust
2) 'The Boston Tea Party', 3 masted ship
3) 'Go Bosox!', over Red Sox Logo
4) 'Boston', Image of city.

9/09/24 - The machine is working well. CW

Machine 1