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Futuroscope Machine Locations > France

Department of Vienne
Poitiers, France


Futuroscope, or Parc du Futuroscope is a French theme park based upon multimedia, cinematographic futorscope and audio-visual techniques. It has several 3D cinemas along with other attractions and shows, some of which are the only examples in the world.

It is located in the department of Vienne, 10 kilometres north of Poitiers, on the territory of the communes of Chasseneuil-du-Poitou and Jaunay-Clan.

12/14: Machine 1 and 2 are gone/ Retired.
3/16: Machine 4 art scan added. GSY

6/18/17: Machine 2 and 3 are gone, machine 4 is now at l'Arena

Machine 4 - at l'Arena

Retired 3

Retired 2

Retired 1