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Ripley's Davy Crockett Mini Golf Machine Locations > Tennessee

188 Parkway
Gatlinburg, TN , 37738

Phone: 865-430-8851


The machine is by the entrance. It presses two sided elongateds --

Machine 4 Machine is located where you pay. There are four pennies now, crank machine.
1) 'Ripley's Davy Crockett Mini Golf', cartoon Crocket riding a bear,
2) 'Ripley's Davy Crockett Mini Golf', cartoon Crocket carrying golf clubs and holding s hole flag,
3) 'Ripley's Davy Crockett', cartoon three piece band,
4) 'Ripley's Davy Crockett', cartoon bear holding a large golf club left of ball, Cartoon duck on right.

Retired 1 and 2 designs had 'Ripley's Davy Crocket Mini Golf Gatlinburg, Tennessee' on front and "2005" or "2009" on the reverse. There were also designs with 2003 and 2008 on the reverse.
Retired 3: 1) 'Ripley's Davy Crocket Mini Golf Gatlinburg, Tennessee' on front and 'Tennessee' on reverse.

3/17/2025 Machine is to the RIGHT where you pay (but you can't miss it because it is a small area). Rolling great on copper. TEC # 5439 PM

Machine 4

Retired 3

Retired 1 & 2