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Edicola in Centro Sala (Newsstand) Machine Locations > Italy

Stazione Santa Maria Novella (railway station)
Florence (Firenze) - Tuscany Region (FI) Florence Province, Italy, 50123

Phone: +39 055 2352190


Firenze Santa Maria Novella or Stazione di Santa Maria Novella is a terminus railway station in Florence, Italy. The station is used by 59 million people every year and is one of the busiest in Italy.

One Maecri 4p machine.

Machine 1 is at the news stand. Cost to press: €1.02 each design (€1 coin and a 2 Euro cent coin). Designs all have a 'MC' (Maecri) beaded border with 'Firenze':
1. (V) Fleur de lis crest of Florence with 'Firenze Italia.
2. (H) An arrow through two hearts with 'Firenze I Love You'.
3. (H) Basilica of Santa Maria Novella with 'Basilica di Santa Maria Novella'.
4. (V) Statue of David with 'David Firenze'.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: N43° 46' 34.845" Longitude: W-11° 14' 52.4508"
Google Maps coordinates: Q6GX+M5 Florence, Metropolitan City of Florence, Italy

10/7/16 I could not find this machine anywhere in the station. If it is still there it is not obvious. But 3 of the designs are available elsewhere in the city.

Feb 19, 2021. Still no sign of the machine. Jack 671

Machine 1 - Newsstand in the center of the plaza