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Ferrigno Lucio S.a.s. Machine Locations > Italy

Via San Gregorio Armeno, 22
Naples (Napoli) - Campania Region (NA) Naples Province, Italy, 80138

Phone: +39 081 551 6505


The company is dedicated to the ancient production of fake flowers and fruit as well as the achievements of papier-mäché statues of historical figures.

Hours of operation: Monday through Saturday 10:00 (10:00 am) to 19:00 (7:00 pm). May be closed for lunch between 1:00 and 2:00 pm. Closed Sunday. No on-street parking.

Machine 1 is in front of the store. Cost to press: €1.02 each design (€1 coin and a 2 Euro cent coin). Designs all have a 'MC' (Maecri) beaded border with 'Napoli':
1. (H) The sun rising behind Mt. Vesuvius with 'I (Heart) Napoli, O' Vesuvio'.
2. (V) Image of Italian comedic actor Totò with 'Totò'
3. (H) Four leaf lover, horn and horseshoe good luck charms with 'Penny Portafortuna Lucky Penny'.
4. (H) Castel Nuovo with 'Maschio Angioino'.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: N40° 51' 1.4256" Longitude: W-14° 15' 27.666"
V725+53 Naples, Metropolitan City of Naples, Italy

5/18: Machine and scan added. GSY

12/24/2024: Machine is located in the alleyway of the souvenir store. Rolling well.

In front of the store