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Seehundstation Norddeich Machine Locations > Germany

Nationalpark-Haus, Dörper Weg 24
Norden - Norddeich, Germany, 26506

12/29/11: Both machines are right behind the entrance desk at the wall between the entrance and exit to the exhibition (opposite the shop). The station is open daily 10am to 5pm, the entrance fee is app. 5 € but you could probably ask the person at the desk to let you in to get to the penny machine.

Machine 1. "Waloseum" shows a Whale

Machine 2. "Seehundstation Norddeich" shows these designs:
1) A Seal
2) Two Sea Otters

Retired 3: "Seehundstation Norddeich", with a design of a Seal.

Machine 1

Machine 2

Retired 3