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Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, Lodge Machine Locations > California

47225 Highway One
Big Sur, CA , 93920

Phone: 1-800-424-4787


The machine is inside the lodge, in the lobby with the reservations desk, near gift shop. Do not need to pay for a State Park pass to go to the lodge.

Four designs:
1) 'Big Sur Lodge Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park', Redwood Trees and surrounded by text reading
2) 'Greetings From Big Sur California', A hiker with the Hwy-1 sign
3) 'Bixby Bridge Big Sur', bridge
4) 'Big Sur California', Sea Otter.

Token available in the Gift Shop Design is:
1) 'Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, The Mighty Redwoods', trees /Rear- 'Big Sur California, Highway 1', image of area

3/11/25 Machine is out of order (coin slide jammed) DLA

Machine 1

Token available in the Gift Shop