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Citizens State Bank Machine Locations > Kansas

610 Oregon Street
Hiawatha, KS , 66434

Phone: 785-742-7841


Bank lobby is only open 0900am to 0300PM.

Three penny designs. Only charges for the penny --not 51 cents. They cost 1 penny each. To the right of the main teller locations

1. Celebrating 100 years Citizens State Bank 1907-2007 with Chief Hiawatha
2. Citizens State Bank Hiawatha, Kansas 1907Centennial 2007
3. 2007Citizens State Bank Hiawatha, Kansas smaller Chief Hiawatha Established 1907

05/03/19: Machine is still the lobby but it's mis-rolling badly. Only the design with the 2007 at the very top (penny #3 from list above) rolled correctly with the two dots lined up.
After some experiments, I was able to get the other 2 designs to roll completely on the penny. The dies are way off. Line up to roll in the very middle between the two dies and look to see the die you want is at the top of the roller. You can see in through the glass from the side of the machine. The handle needs to be down also. Turn the crank slowly and you should feel it start to press the penny about when the two dots now line up. This worked for penny #1 & 2. #3 line up the dots like normal. Luckily, it only cost a 1 cent. JLT

6/24/2020 Successful mail off . Received within 3 weeks. VG

Machine 1