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TD Garden Machine Locations > Massachusetts

100 Legends Way
Boston, MA , 02114

Phone: (617) 624-1000


The TD Garden is New England's Premier Sports and Entertainment arena, and home to the NHL's Boston Bruins and NBA's Boston Celtics.

Both Machines have been moved downstairs in the train station beneath the arena located behind a pizza restaurant (Crazy Dough Pizza). The machines are located side by side.

Machine 1: designs are:
1) 'Boston, City of Champions, TD Gardens', Skyline and stadium logo,
2) 'Boston Celtics, Celtic Pride, TD Gardens', Mascot with basketball,
3) 'Boston Bruins Est 1924', Team logo,
4) 'Boston, The Hub of Hockey', Team logo.

Machine 2:
1) 'Boston Bruins, Stanley Cup Champions',
2) 'Boston Bruins, Beware of the Bear', Bear,
3) 'Old School Celtics Basketball', clovers and basketball shoes,
4) 'TD Garden, Home of the Bruins and Celtics', image of stadium.

12/09: A new penny collector machine installed.
7/12: A second machine was installed.

2/15/24 - machines near the station ticket office, there is a change machine between them but I didn’t use this and rolling really well :) MC

Please send all four designs in one scan on a plain white background., if you have them, for each machine. Thanks

Machine 1

Machine 2