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Edicola il Messaggero (Newspaper kiosk) Machine Locations > Italy

Via Agonale 3 @ Piazza Navona
Rome (Roma) - Lazio Region (RM) Roma Province, Italy, 00186


Designs can also be found in other parts of the city.

Machine 3 had four designs and requires a 5 cent euro and 1 euro coin to press. It:is present at the newspaper kiosk and the Newspaper kiosk staff will make change:
1) Front face of the Pantheon,
2) The Roman Colosseum,
3) St. Peter's Basilica,
4) Trevi Fountain.

Retired 2: 1) (V) A Trition blowing in a shell (Fontana del Moro) with 'Piazza Navona Roma', 2) (H) Piazza Navona with 'Piazza Navona Roma', 3) (H) Colosseum with 'Roma Colosseo', 4) (H) SPQR and laurel branch on each side with ' Senatus Populusque Romanus' (The Senate and People of Rome),

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: N41° 54' 0.5436" Longitude: W-12° 28' 23.5272""

The machine is provided by, hence the MC mark at the catch notch.

12/20/2024: Machine 3 is present at the newspaper kiosk and rolls well. Newspaper kiosk staff will make change.

Machine 3

Retired 1

Retired 2