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Pinnacle Mountain State Park Machine Locations > Arkansas

11901 Pinnacle Valley Road
Little Rock, AR , 72223

Phone: 501-868-5806

Nov 17 2013 machine was broken and no plans to fix it.

the machine has been removed July 2014.

Penny machine is located at the visitors center. Walk through the gift shop and the machine is located in the room before you exit to the balcony scenic overlook. It's a Global Impressions hand crank machine. Rolling perfectly at this time.

Four designs: Need scan/ picture of designs on a plain white background.
1) Pinnacle Mountain outline with sun setting in background
2) Tree with wording Arkansas State Parks
3) Wording Department of Parks and Tourism with diamond in the middle of a circle with the word Arkansas
4) Building with words Making Memories, 75 years, Arkansas State Parks

Machine 1